Categories: Estates

Why you need a will.

It’s easy to procrastinate.  It’s hard to seriously contemplate your mortality.  That is why a will is such a difficult thing for many to complete.  It takes both initiative as well as an ability to contemplate the world after you are no longer in it.  Why does someone need a will?  Well, technically they don’t.  So why have one?  If you die without a will (also known as “intestate”), your possessions are not disbursed how you want them, nor how you agreed with your family that they would be dispersed.  No, they are disbursed by law.  It is entirely possible that people you never thought would be acquiring your property, your bank accounts, your house are now their legal owners.  Don’t like that idea?  Draft a will.  What if you have young kids, who will look after them?  If that concerns you, draft a will and let the world know your input, even though you are no longer here.  However, there is a big word of warning, please consult with an attorney before thinking you have conclusively made your post-mortem instructions known.  I have seen numerous “wills” that were not properly drafted and/or executed under Mississippi law.  If your will is not drafted and executed in accordance with the law, you wishes for your estate may never been fulfilled.  I have drafted numerous wills in Mississippi and have probated numerous estates.  If you have any questions about memorializing your instructions at the time of your death, please contact me or another competent Mississippi attorney to make sure all the I’s are dotted and T’s crossed.

McCullough Law Firm, PLLC

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McCullough Law Firm, PLLC

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